慰霊塔とは、 戦争や災害などで亡くなられた不特定多数の方を追悼する建物です。
関連記事 手柄山中央公園にマップ見て行ってみた


手柄の慰霊塔は、全国の空爆犠牲者を慰霊した、日本唯一の施設になります。 この慰霊塔は世界の恒久平和も同時に祈願しています。
>総務省 一般戦災死没者の追悼施設
>総務省 太平洋戦全国戦災都市空爆死没者慰霊塔
Memorial tower in Tegarayama

The sword is a cenotaph. The shape of the cenotaph represents the hand of the sword, which is a symbol of the weapon, and has a design with the sword pointing directly below and pierced into the ground. Its height is 87.76 feet.
As shown in the picture, the cenotaph is located at the summit of Mt. Tegara, with a big sword stuck on the summit, and the part of the blade seems to be buried in Mt. Tegara.
The meaning of the form of this cenotaph is the message to peace that “the sword will never come out again”.
A big sword is a symbol of peace

The Mt. Tegara cenotaph consoles about 510,000 non-combatants who died by aerial bombardment in Japan during the Pacific War.
The official name is called “The cenotaph for the city air-raid victims of the Pacific War”.
This is the only monument in Japan that comforts the spirits of air-raid victims. It also wishes for eternal peace in the world.

Today we are blessed to have a peaceful and prosperous society because of the sacrifice of war victims and the great efforts by previous generations.
Because the cenotaph is in the park, you can go in and out freely.
If you want to send the world a message of peace on social media, you should visit here.
>Himeji Tourist Guide & Map (PDF)
■ Neighboring Tourist Facilities Appealing For Peace
Memorial tower in Tegarayama
The largest sword in the world is in Himeji City with Himeji Castle. It’s the only monument in Japan.